
A Look At The Pros & Cons Of Modulating Variable Speed Furnaces

Buying a new furnace for your home is going to be a huge decision to make, especially since a furnace will keep you and your family warm for several years after installation. One of the most popular modern furnace types is the modulating variable speed furnace. Even though this is a popular furnace choice, it is a choice that a lot of homeowners don't know a lot about. To help you decide if this is the right furnace type for you, take a look at some of the pros and cons of the modulating variable speed furnace.

2 Things A Service Tech Can Do For You And Your Air Conditioner

As you start to look forward to spring and summer, you may think about all the fun stuff you can do, like going to the beach or spending a lot of time outside. But, you may also want to think about what your air conditioner is going to do and how well it's going to work for you, especially if it's an older one. There are things that you can do in order to make sure that your air conditioner is working the way it should when you fire up the AC for the first time.

Common Problems You May Have with Your Furnace

Whether you live in an area of the country where it is known for sunshine or you live in an area of the country where temperatures drop well below freezing every night, you need to have a heating unit that functions properly for when the cold weather strikes—because it will, regardless of where you live. When it comes to your furnace, you will likely encounter a heating problem from time to time.

Tired Of The Problems? 4 Signs You Need New Ductwork

If you're going to be having your heater or air conditioner replaced this year, it's time to add new ductwork to the contract. If you hadn't thought about the ducts, you're not alone. Ductwork is often overlooked until there's a problem. Now that you're replacing your heater or air conditioner, examine your ducts. If you're dealing with any of the issues described below, have your ducts replaced. Your Existing Ducts are Old

3 Reasons To Invest In Annual AC Inspections

Air conditioners are one of the most important appliances found in any modern home. Without a functional air conditioner, it would be impossible to maintain cool interior temperatures when outdoor temperatures skyrocket during the summer months. Despite the fact that an air conditioner has a unique and important job to do, homeowners often overlook the routine maintenance required to keep an AC system running properly. Investing in annual AC inspections could help you better care for your cooling system in the future.

3 Tips To Help Reduce Energy Costs Using Your HVAC System In The Winter

The key to feeling the most comfortable in your home regardless of what the temperature may be outside is by having an HVAC unit that is in excellent condition. Taking the right amount of time to ensure this is the case can reduce the chances of repairs and help lower your energy costs. If you live in an area that is extremely cold during the winter, you'll want to work to reduce the expense that accompanies keeping your home warm.

Why Air Conditioning Maintenance Should Be Added To Your List Of Priorities

If you don't pay very much attention to your air conditioning unit don't beat yourself too badly about it. With so many other more visible responsibilities and tasks staring you in the face, it's easy to forget about the importance of keeping your AC system tuned up and ready to go. No matter how often you may have neglected to take care of your AC unit, it's never too late. Here are a few reasons why air conditioning maintenance needs to be added to the top of your list of priorities.

Why Is Your Air Conditioner Not Cooling Your Home?

If you come home and notice it's just not as cool as usual, it could possibly be a hot flash, or it could be that your air conditioner isn't working properly to cool your home. Take a good look at your thermostat and sit to listen to your system to be sure it isn't just you. If you think it may be a problem with your system, read on for some helpful tips to troubleshoot your system.

Fixing Problems With Your Pilot Light

If you have an older furnace in your home, the furnace likely relies on a pilot light to produce the heat needed to warm your home. Homeowners can become frustrated with the lack of constant heat when a furnace's pilot light will not stay lit. Troubleshooting a faulty pilot light doesn't have to be challenging, you just have to know where to begin. Clear a clogged pilot light orifice Your pilot light burns out of a small hole.

Inspections For Central Heaters

A cold house can be uncomfortable to live in, especially when you are trying to recover from a cold or other health condition. If you have a central heating system that is no longer able to produce the warmth that you need, the problem can possibly be resolved with help from a professional HVAC technician. He or she can inspect the important parts to determine if they can be repaired without you having to invest in a new system altogether.