Why Air Conditioning Maintenance Should Be Added To Your List Of Priorities

If you don't pay very much attention to your air conditioning unit don't beat yourself too badly about it. With so many other more visible responsibilities and tasks staring you in the face, it's easy to forget about the importance of keeping your AC system tuned up and ready to go. No matter how often you may have neglected to take care of your AC unit, it's never too late. Here are a few reasons why air conditioning maintenance needs to be added to the top of your list of priorities. [Read More]

Why Is Your Air Conditioner Not Cooling Your Home?

If you come home and notice it's just not as cool as usual, it could possibly be a hot flash, or it could be that your air conditioner isn't working properly to cool your home. Take a good look at your thermostat and sit to listen to your system to be sure it isn't just you. If you think it may be a problem with your system, read on for some helpful tips to troubleshoot your system. [Read More]

Fixing Problems With Your Pilot Light

If you have an older furnace in your home, the furnace likely relies on a pilot light to produce the heat needed to warm your home. Homeowners can become frustrated with the lack of constant heat when a furnace's pilot light will not stay lit. Troubleshooting a faulty pilot light doesn't have to be challenging, you just have to know where to begin. Clear a clogged pilot light orifice Your pilot light burns out of a small hole. [Read More]

Inspections For Central Heaters

A cold house can be uncomfortable to live in, especially when you are trying to recover from a cold or other health condition. If you have a central heating system that is no longer able to produce the warmth that you need, the problem can possibly be resolved with help from a professional HVAC technician. He or she can inspect the important parts to determine if they can be repaired without you having to invest in a new system altogether. [Read More]