How To Find An Awesome Commercial Air Conditioning Repair Company

Nothing will drive away your customers like hot and stuffy air. If you own a business that has had their air conditioner go out, you need to get that fixed, and fast. Here are a few things you should look for in commercial air conditioning repair professionals. Certified When it comes to air conditioning certifications in the United States, there are really two big ones that you should make sure your technician has: NATE and EPA. [Read More]

Should You Repair Or Replace Your Old Air Conditioning Unit

If you are trying to decide whether or not to replace your old AC, you may be wondering the best way to make the final decision. The following guide can help you determine whether or not you should install a new AC system. Repair vs Replacement Cost A single AC repair may not be expensive on its own, but as your system ages those repairs can slowly add up to a huge number. [Read More]

Why You Should Let Professionals Handle Your Broken Furnace

If you have a furnace that is acting up, you are going to want to have it repaired right away. If you wait, more problems might pop up. However, this does not mean that you should break out the toolbox and get to work. Furnace repair work is something that is best left to HVAC contractors. To help you learn more about why getting professional help is ideal, you should read further. [Read More]

Pros And Cons Of Geothermal Heat Pumps

A geothermal heat pump relies on the temperature difference between the ground and the atmosphere to heat the house. Below are some of the pros and cons of these systems. Pros Here are some of the benefits of using a geothermal heat pump. Inexpensive Operations Most forms of heating require nonrenewable resources, but not geothermal heat pumps. The heat pumps harness heat stored underground, which reduces your heating costs. Secondly, the absence of the combustion process leads to less frequent breakdowns of the heater system. [Read More]