5 Sneaky Reasons Your Winter Home Is Hard To Heat

Some people see snow and dips in temperature and they get excited, but if you live in a home that costs you a fortune to heat in the coldest months of the year, chances are you are dreading even the thought of turning your heat on. While it is always important to ensure your heat system is working properly before winter starts with a regular maintenance check by a heating repair professional, you should also be looking at the other factors that could be making your home colder than it could be.

How To Make Sure An Air Duct Cleaning Is Successful

Having an air duct cleaning company come to your home is one of the best ways to improve the air quality of your home and ensure that your HVAC system is functioning in the most efficient manner possible. However, when you hire an air duct cleaning company, it is important to follow the right process so that you can have the best possible experience. Do Not Assume That You Can Clean Your Ducts Yourself

Cleaning Tips That Can Help You Troubleshoot Your Air Conditioner

Although kids are getting ready to go back to school all over the United States, there are many homes where air conditioners will still be running for a few more months. When you depend on your air conditioner to do its job most of the year, it is more than a little irksome to come home to a house that seems hotter than it is outside. In that instance, it will be very helpful to be aware of the following tips.

Types Of Evaporative Coolers

Evaporative coolers, also commonly referred to as swamp coolers, are an alternative home cooling option that evaporate cold water and use a series of fans to increase humidity and bring down the temperature in a room. This makes them the ideal cooling option for areas with excessive dry heat. However, there are several different types of available evaporative coolers available on the market, all of which are slightly different from each other and thus offer a different set of features.

Tips For Getting The Best Performance From Your AC

Have you recently invested in a new air conditioner? If you have, it is likely a priority for you to take care of your unit so you can avoid costly or major damages. Ensuring you protect your investment, you will want to perform routine air conditioner maintenance that will help keep your unit running efficiently and properly so you can avoid potential damages and get a better experience with your unit.

Ductless Home Cooling 101: Faqs For Homeowners

If you are looking for a quick and simple solution to home cooling, there is no doubt that opting for a ductless air conditioning system is one of the most viable options. Unlike traditional central cooling units, a ductless air conditioner can be installed in as little as a few short hours with no ductwork involved. If you are considering making a ductless cooling system the cooling solution for your house, it is likely that there are things that you want to know.

How To Keep Your Hot Water Heater From Draining Your Bank Account

If you're like most people, you probably never think of the hot water heater hidden away in your closet or basement. However, as one of the only appliances in your home that is on literally all of the time, it can be one of your home's biggest energy users. Here's how to keep your hot water heater from wasting energy and your hard-earned dollars. Use a Thermal Wrap The laws of physics cause heat to try to even itself out.