Talking About Air Conditioners

3 Important Tips To Shut Down Your Furnace For Summer

Are you excited about the coming end of cold winter weather? Have you been getting thrilled about the prospect of being able to go outside without having to stop to put on multiple layers first? Whether you like cold weather or not, there comes a time when most people grow tired of low temperatures and having to deal with snow. But, in your excitement, it can be all too easy to forget to take the proper steps to ensure that your home will be warm and cozy next year when cold weather arrives again. Some things that you need to do or have done include:

Get a tune-up: Motor vehicles aren't the only things that need to have a tune-up in order to stay at their best. This is also something needed by both furnaces and air conditioners. Professional furnace maintenance services will check over your furnace, looking for any minor issues that could cause a malfunction in the near future. The furnace professional will look for things like corrosion or wiring that may have been chewed on by a rodent living in your home. Taking care of these things now can help to prevent an expensive emergency call in the autumn when your furnace is no longer heating your home.

Clean and/or replace filters: When you have a forced-air heating system, you almost certainly already know about the standard disposable filter over the air intake vent that leads to your furnace. This one should certainly be replaced when you shut off your furnace for the year. But many furnace models also have a secondary semi-permanent filter on the furnace unit itself. This may be used to keep dust and debris away from the heating element, especially if you have a non-electric furnace. The professional from your local furnace maintenance services company can let you know whether you do have this type of filter and, if so, show you where it's located so that you can keep it clean.

Inspect carbon monoxide detectors: If you have a non-electric furnace, it's important to make sure that you have carbon monoxide detectors near the unit in case something goes wrong with the furnace. While waiting for your local furnace maintenance services to send a technician out, now is a good time to check the batteries in the detectors, if needed, and to test them in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. If any of them don't pass the test, they should be replaced immediately in order to keep you and your family safe.

Contact a service, like Polar Aire Heating & Cooling Inc, for more help.
